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Wild Atelier Art Box - Member Space

Welcome to the Art Box member space. Here you'll find all the videos to help you guide your little artist in the creative process.  


These are here if you need a little more inspiration and more detailed examples. You are free to watch as you please - whatever you need!


I'm super happy to answer any questions you might have along the way - feel free to email me or join the Facebook group here:



Video 1: Welcome!

Video 2: Exploring the Tools

A tutorial in exploring the tools and mark making. Making a brainstorm of marks to be able to refer back to throughout the process.


Video 3: Blocking

Two examples of the technique of 'blocking' to create a background for the next layers. There are MANY ways to do this, these are just a couple of examples!


Below is a third example, using Ruby's name to block out shapes on the page.

Video 4: Colour Mixing

Some tips on colour mixing and making tints using the white paint.

Video 4: Mark Making

A tutorial in adding marks to the canvas. Remember this is just ONE layer, and you can add as many layers as you like! 


*If you don't like something - you can paint over it! There is NO right or wrong*

Video 5: Gathering other Tools

Using found objects to create more interesting marks and shapes on the canvas. This is all about PLAY and having FUN.... experiment away!

Video 6: Final Details

A tutorial to bring it all together to finish off your painting.

Once you've finished your painting, I'd LOVE to see a photo of you with it - you can send to or pop it in the Facebook group so we can celebrate with you!
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