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Wednesday 17th July AFTERNOON: Paper Roll Fairy Houses

Wednesday 17th July AFTERNOON: Paper Roll Fairy Houses


Who is the class for? Children ages 5 years and above.

Where? The Wild Atelier, Blackheath (address sent with booking confirmation).

When? Wednesday 17th July, 2pm- 3.30pm (drop off and pick up only)

Last holidays, so many of the children loved creating magical fairy houses and creatures of all kinds. During this class we will be using paper rolls as our base and using a selection of mixed media materials and loose objects to design and assemble our own fairy houses. Or maybe a little house for a creature to live in! 


Would your child like to come for the full day?

Don't forget you can book the morning AND afternoon class on the same day and take off $10. To do so, just add both classes to the cart and then use the code 'artday' to apply the discount. 


The full day session will include:

Morning session from 11.30-1pm. 

Lunch break and short play 

Afternoon session from 2-3.30pm. 


Children will need to bring:
Their own water bottle, packed lunch and snacks. 


*The idea for this class, including the images above, were found on pinterst and are an example only. I know that the fairy houses created in the studio will be wonderfully unique!

© 2021 The Wild Atelier, Meredith Mallin

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